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Todos os titles
Todos os titles

Olá ratolos!

Confirmando, "title" significa Título em inglês e os titles são os títulos dos ratos e você pode mudar de título escrevendo /title [númerodotitle] , por exemplo: os ratos ja comecam com o título "ratinho" em português e no transformice inglês é "little mouse" que é o title 0 e você pode mudar escrevendo os números do title se você tiver o title.

Para você saber como ganhar titles aqui vai uma lista pra ajuda:

#TitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Achievement
0 Little Mouse Souris Grise Ratinho Starting title.
5 Greedy Mouse Souris Gourmande Rato Ambicioso Gather 5 cheese.
6 Here ! Cheese ! Là ! Fromage ! Olha! Queijo! Gather 20 cheese.
7 Yeeeeah Cheese ^^ Owi Fromage ^^ Obaaaaa Queijo ^^ Gather 100 cheese.
8 Cheeeeeese *-* Fromaaaage *-* Queeeeeijo *-* Gather 200 cheese.
35 Activist Mouse Souris Militante Rato Militante Gather 300 cheese.
36 Unionized Mouse Souris Syndiquée Rato Sindicalista Gather 400 cheese.
37 Mouse on Strike Souris en Grève Rato em Greve Gather 500 cheese.
26 Glutton Mouse Souris Gloutonne Rato Guloso Gather 600 cheese.
27 Gleany Grapilleuse Apanhador de Queijos Gather 700 cheese.
28 Plumpy Mouse Souris Dodue Rato Fofinho Gather 800 cheese.
29 Paunchy Mouse Souris Ventrue Sr. Barriga Gather 900 cheese.
30 Chubby Mouse Souris Joufflue Gorducho Gather 1000 cheese.
31 Fluffy Mouse Bouboule Rato Peludinho Gather 1100 cheese.
32 Tubby Mouse Patapouffe Rato Obeso Gather 1200 cheese.
33 The Chubby La Rondouillarde O Fofão Gather 1300 cheese.
34 The Puffy La Boursoufflée O Sedentário Gather 1400 cheese.
38 The Cheese Initiated Initiée du Fromage O Recruta do Queijo Gather 1500 cheese.
39 The Cheese Adept Adepte du Fromage O Viciado em Queijo Gather 1600 cheese.
40 The Cheese Priest Prêtresse du Fromage O Guardião do Queijo Gather 1700 cheese.
41 The Reaper La Moissonneuse Mestre do Queijo Gather 1800 cheese.
72 Cheese Finder Chercheuse De Fromage Cheese Finder Gather 2000 cheese.
73 Cheese Knight Chevalier Fromage Cheese Knight Gather 2300 cheese.
74 Cheesegrubber Cheesegrubber Cheesegrubber Gather 2700 cheese.
75 Fatty Grassouillette Fatty Gather 3200 cheese.
76 Stout Mouse Souris Robuste Stout Mouse Gather 4000 cheese. (?)
77 Cheese Lover Amoureuse Du Fromage Cheese Lover Gather 4600 cheese.
78 Camembert Camembert Camembert Gather 6000 cheese. (?)
79 Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Pont-L'Évêque Gather 7000 cheese.
80 Cheese Catcher L'Attrape Fromage Cheese Catcher Gather 8000 cheese.
81 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 It's Over 9000 Gather 9001 cheese.
82 Collector Collectionneuse Collector Gather 10,000 cheese.
83 Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Cheeseleader Gather 15,000 cheese. (?)
84 Cheese Thief Voleuse De Fromage Cheese Thief Gather 20,000 cheese. (?)
85 Cheese Creator Fromagère Cheese Creator Gather 25,000 cheese. (?)
86 Cheese Pizza Pizza Fromage Cheese Pizza Gather 30,000 cheese. (?)
87 Cheese Minister Ministre Du Fromage Cheese Minister Gather 35,000 cheese. (?)
88 Prodigy Mouse Souris Prodigieuse Prodigy Mouse Gather 40,000 cheese. (?)
89 Princess Of Transformice Princesse De Transformice Princess Of Transformice Gather 45,000 cheese. (?)
90 Cheesoholic Fromalcoolique Cheesoholic Gather 50,000 cheese. (?)
91 The Cheesen One The Cheesen One The Cheesen One Gather 60,000 cheese. (?)
92 Sailor Mouse Sailor Mouse Sailor Mouse Gather 70,000 cheese. (?)
93 MAH CHEESE! MON FROMAGE! MAH CHEESE! Gather 80,000 cheese.

Cheese Gathered First

#TitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Achievement
9 Fast Mouse Souris Rapide Rato Veloz Gather 1 cheese first total.
10 Agile Mouse Souris Agile Ligeirinho Gather 10 cheese first total.
11 Pirate Mouse Souris Pirate Rato Pirata Gather 100 cheese first total.
12 Ninja Mouse Souris Ninja Rato Ninja Gather 200 cheese first total.
42 Rogue Mouse Souris Fripponne Rato Fanfarrão Gather 300 cheese first total.
43 Looter Pilleuse Ladrão Gather 400 cheese first total.
44 Stalker Traqueuse Perseguidor Gather 500 cheese first total.
45 Frothy Mouse Ecumeuse Rato Fútil Gather 600 cheese first total.
46 The Silent La Silencieuse O Silencioso Gather 700 cheese first total.
47 Hawk Mouse Souris Faucon Rato Falcão Gather 800 cheese first total.
48 Cobra Mouse Souris Cobra Rato Cobra Gather 900 cheese first total.
49 Spidermouse Spidersouris Rato-Aranha Gather 1000 cheese first total.
50 Quick Silver Vif Argent O Mito Gather 1100 cheese first total.
51 Athletic Mouse Souris Athlétique   Gather 1200 cheese first total.
52 Hasty Mouse Souris Hâtive   Gather 1400 cheese first total.
53 Rocket Mouse Le Missile   Gather 1600 cheese first total.
54 Sonic The Mouse Sonic La Souris   Gather 1800 cheese first total.
55 Pingless Meilleur Ping   Gather 2000 cheese first total.
56 Kamikaze Kamikaze   Gather 2200 cheese first total.
57 Warrior Mouse Souris Guerrière   Gather 2400 cheese first total.
58 Mach 1 Mach 1   Gather 2600 cheese first total.
59 Hunter Chasseresse   Gather 2800 cheese first total.
60 First! Prem's !   Gather 3000 cheese first total.
61 Sniper Sniper   Gather 3200 cheese first total.
62 Flash Flash   Gather 3400 cheese first total.
63 Supermouse Supermouse   Gather 3600 cheese first total.
64 Light Speed Vitesse Lumière   Gather 3800 cheese first total.
65 Time Traveler Voyageuse Du Temps   Gather 4000 cheese first total.
66 Fast Wind Vent Rapide   Gather 4500 cheese first total.
67 E=MouseC² E=MouseC²   Gather 5000 cheese first total.
68 Jumper La Sauteuse   Gather 5500 cheese first total.
69 The Untouchable L'Intouchable   Gather 6000 cheese first total.
70 Wall-Jumper Wall-Jumper   Gather 10000 cheese first total.
? The Wind Master The Wind Master   Gather 20000 cheese first total.
71 LIGHTNINNG FOUDRE   Gather 40000 cheese first total.


#TitleTitre (French)Títulos (Portuguese)Achievement
1 Shaman Disciple Disciple Chamane Aprendiz de Shaman Save 10 mice.
2 Accomplished Shaman Chamane Accomplie Shaman Graduado Save 100 mice.
3 Shaman Chamane Shaman Save 1000 mice.
4 Shaman Master Maîtresse Chamane Mestre Shaman Save 2000 mice.
13 Inspired Shaman Chamane Inspiré Shaman Inspirado Save 3000 mice.
14 Shaman Champion Championne Chamane Shaman Campeão Save 4000 mice.
15 Glorious Shaman Chamane Glorieuse Shaman Glorioso Save 5000 mice.
16 Shaman Duchess Duchesse Chamane Duquesa Shaman Save 6000 mice.
17 Shaman Princess Princesse Chamane Princesa Shaman Save 7000 mice.
18 Shaman Empress Impératrice Chamane Imperatriz Shaman Save 8000 mice.
19 Legendary Shaman Chamane Légendaire Shaman Lendário Save 9000 mice.
20 Immortal Shaman Chamane Immortelle Shaman Imortal Save 10,000 mice.
21 The Chosen Shaman Chamane Élue O Shaman Escolhido Save 11,000 mice.
22 Holy Shaman Chamane Sacrée Shaman Sagrado Save 12,000 mice.
23 Shaman Oracle Oracle Chamane Shaman Oráculo Save 13,000 mice.
24 Shaman Prophet Prophète Chamane Shaman Profeta Save 14,000 mice.
25 Shamarvelous Chamagnifique Shaman Supremo Save 15,000 mice.
94 Ancient Shaman Ancienne Chamane   Save 16,000 mice.
95 Fearless Shaman Chamane Sans Peur   Save 18,000 mice.
96 Almighty Shaman Toute-Puissante Chamane   Save 20,000 mice.
97 Architect Shaman Chamane Architecte   Save 22,000 mice.
98 Mademoiselle Mademoiselle   Save 24,000 mice.
99 Lady Chamane Lady Chamane   Save 26,000 mice.
100 Loved Aimée   Save 28,000 mice.
101 Magician Magicienne   Save 30,000 mice.
102 Hero of Mice Héroïne Des Souris   Save 32,000 mice.
103 Angel Shaman Ange Chamane   Save 34,000 mice.
104 The Creator La Créatrice   Save 36,000 mice.
105 Absolute Shaman Chamane Absolute   Save 38,000 mice.
106 Miraculous Shaman Chamane Miraculeuse   Save 40,000 mice.
107 Liberator Libératrice   Save 45,000 mice. (?)
108 Troll Shaman CDM   Save 50,000 mice. (?)
109 Ghost Shaman Chamane Fantôme   Save 55,000 mice. (?)
110 Spirit Esprit   Save 60,000 mice. (?)
111 Demigodess Shaman Demi-Déesse Chamane   Save 70,000 mice. (?)
112 Last Hope Dernier Espoir   Save 80,000 mice. (?)
113 Redeemer Rédemptrice   Save 90,000 mice. (?)
114 Goddess Shaman Goddess Shaman   Save 100,000 mice.
115 Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega   Save 140,000 mice.

Espero ter ajudado você.